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It is very time-consuming to always provide the latest genome assemblies. Thus, if you want Scipio/WebScipio to be continuously updated and its functionality extended in the future please properly cite the respective parts of the software!
Newest Genomes
Taxonomy: Opisthokonta | Fungi | Dikarya | . . . | Saccharomycetaceae | Kluyveromyces
Contigs: 479 | GC-Content: 0.40146501015507 | Bases: 10.8 | Filesize: 10.47MB
Taxonomy: Opisthokonta | Fungi | Dikarya | . . . | Phaffomycetaceae | Komagataella
Contigs: 33 | GC-Content: 0.41063923719793 | Bases: 9.3 | Filesize: 9.05MB
Taxonomy: Opisthokonta | Fungi | Dikarya | . . . | Metschnikowiaceae | Metschnikowia
Contigs: 488 | GC-Content: 0.511388768676602 | Bases: 10.6 | Filesize: 10.29MB
Taxonomy: Opisthokonta | Fungi | Dikarya | . . . | Metschnikowiaceae | Metschnikowia
Contigs: 478 | GC-Content: 0.511388768676602 | Bases: 10.6 | Filesize: 10.66MB
Taxonomy: Opisthokonta | Fungi | Dikarya | . . . | Trichomonascaceae | Wickerhamiella
Contigs: 2137 | GC-Content: 0.518062908185369 | Bases: 9.6 | Filesize: 9.58MB
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WebScipio is a service by motorprotein.de
For many types of analyses, data about gene structure and locations of non-coding regions of genes are required. Although a vast amount of genomic sequence data is available, precise annotation of genes is lacking behind. Finding the corresponding gene of a given protein sequence by means of conventional tools is error prone, and cannot be completed without manual inspection which is time consuming and requires considerable experience.
Scipio is a tool based on the alignment program BLAT to determine the precise gene structure given a protein sequence and a genome. It identifies intron-exon borders and splice sites and is able to cope with sequencing errors and genes spanning several contigs in genomes that have not yet been assembled to supercontigs or chromosomes. Instead of producing a set of hits with varying confidence, Scipio gives the user a coherent summary of locations on the genome that code for the query protein. The output contains information about discrepancies that may result from sequencing errors. Scipio has also successfully been used to find homologous genes in closely related species.

We would very much appreciate your feedback about any problems you may encounter. We also like to hear from you if WebScipio worked for you.
Restrictions and Licence
Using WebScipio and Scipio by non-academics requires permission. WebScipio and Scipio may be obtained upon request and used under a GNU General Public License.